• Luxembourg
  • info@deskiit.lu
  • 8h:00 – 18h:00 PM

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Who we are?

Deskiit Innovation Inc. is a pioneering tech company based in Luxembourg, specializing in digitalization, quality management, and impactful change strategies within the hospitality sector.

Where is Deskiit located??

Deskiit Innovation Inc. is headquartered in Luxembourg. For more details, please visit our Contact Us page.

What services does Deskiit offer??

Deskiit offers a range of services including digital transformation solutions, quality management, Lean Six Sigma consulting, and advanced tech solutions tailored for the hospitality industry. For a full list of our services, please check our Services page

Product and Service Information?

You can request our services by contacting us through our website's Contact Us form or by emailing us at `{`email protected`}`. Our team will get back to you promptly to discuss your needs

Need help?

Easy solutions for all difficult IT problems, keep business safe & ensure high availability.